.. _front-page: .. Scrape documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Dec 4 12:54:57 2012. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. include:: __scrape_logo.rst =========================== |Shdr| - the Documentation =========================== |SP| is a tool developed to help researchers extract selective data from web publications. It is particularly useful for serial web publications which have similar structure over many issues. You interactively develop a selection and extraction set of commands, and run them across a series of issues, generating output (JSON or CSV). .. toctree:: :hidden: overview installation tutorials/contents LICENSE :doc:`Overview ` ============================ What's involved, required knowledge, and the basic modes of operation. :doc:`Installation ` =================================== Software and browser requirements. :doc:`Tutorials ` ======================================= Get started with a concrete examples. Alternatives ============ Examples of just some of the alternatives to |s| include: - scrapy_ - twill_ - dryscrape_ - django-dynamic-scraper_ .. _django-dynamic-scraper: http://django-dynamic-scraper.readthedocs.org .. _dryscrape: http://dryscrape.readthedocs.org .. _scrapy: http://doc.scrapy.org .. _twill: http://twill.idyll.org You can also look through the *notable tools* section on `Wikipedia `_. Many of these are either not interactive, or are programmers libraries or toolkits. |S| is an interactive script development tool which, with a modicum of knowledge, is both powerful and simple. |S| scripts use |s| commands, shell commands, and commands provided by extensions. :doc:`LICENSE` ============== This license applies to the program, |iS|, and its documentation. Work in Progress ================= This document is currently a work-in-progress. Here are a list of known items left to do: .. todolist:: Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`