.. _tutorials: .. include:: ../__scrape_logo.rst ================== Tutorials ================== Select the tutorials which are appropriate for what you want to do. To start, I recommend you follow the installation checkout and tutorial on this page, followed by the example PyCon project. These brief tutorials will introduce the concepts and strategies for using scrape, as well as give an overview of some of the most useful commands. .. graphviz:: :alt: [S]crape tutorials digraph g{ graph [nodesep="0.7", margin="0.6,0.15"]; node [fontname="verdana", shape=box, fillcolor=snow, style="rounded,filled"]; "Getting Started" -> "First Project" } .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: intro pycon :doc:`Introduction to [S]crape ` ---------------------------------------- The :doc:`"Getting Started" Tutorial ` will help you confirm your installation, and introduce the basic |is| concepts. :doc:`Developing a Project ` ------------------------------------- In this :doc:`Intermediate Tutorial `, we'll look at using |is| to report on volunteers signed up for running talks at a national conference. In the process, will look at the different groups of commands in |is| and introduce some useful patterns for developing scripts.