[S]crape - the Documentation

[S]crape is a tool developed to help researchers extract selective data from web publications. It is particularly useful for serial web publications which have similar structure over many issues. You interactively develop a selection and extraction set of commands, and run them across a series of issues, generating output (JSON or CSV).


What’s involved, required knowledge, and the basic modes of operation.


Software and browser requirements.


Get started with a concrete examples.


Examples of just some of the alternatives to [S]crape include:

You can also look through the notable tools section on Wikipedia.

Many of these are either not interactive, or are programmers libraries or toolkits. [S]crape is an interactive script development tool which, with a modicum of knowledge, is both powerful and simple. [S]crape scripts use [S]crape commands, shell commands, and commands provided by extensions.

Copyright Notice

This license applies to the program, [S]crape, and its documentation.

Work in Progress

This document is currently a work-in-progress. Here are a list of known items left to do:


Have yet to debug the scrape.gz install file (installation does not mirror setup.py).

(The original entry is located in /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/scrape/checkouts/latest/source/installation.rst, line 92.)

Indices and tables

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